Murray River Tri-State National Landscapes
famil May 2009 invitation
May 2009 Famil and Meeting : Download pdf of famil for the Murray River Tri-State Region (398kb) - this itinerary was changed due to rain.

Murray River Tri-State National Landscapes
March 2009 famil and meeting

Click here for March 2009 Riverland famil photos and article.
Murray River Tri-State National Landscapes
famil March 2009 invitation
March 2009 Famil and Meeting : Download pdf of famil for the Murray River Tri-State Region (480kb)

National Landscapes Forum October 2008 Report
Hi Everyone
I've just returned from the 1st National Landscapes Forum with Duncan Mackenzie up in the Lamington National Park and Australia's Green Cauldron just west of Tweed and Gold Coast region.
This was a significant and valuable opportunity for the Murray River Border region to be invited and participate in the first steps for National Landscapes development. Attached is a report from the forum which outlines the conversations, strategies, opportunities and challenges we're facing both in our region along with national considerations. However the big picture is a powerful and solid plan.
The great news is that this is 100% backed and supported federally both with Federal Ministers and their associated departments, Tourism Australia, Parks Australia and significant campaigns being developed for the international markets via the new "Australia" movie and international media outlets. The state tourism organisations are currently working through their participation and support of the project along with all associated Parks authorities and state environmental departments.
National Landscapes isn't a once off tourism marketing strategy - it is a new way forward with a long-term view for sustainability that positions Australia uniquely as we embrace both conservation and tourism at a deeper emotional level for the Experience Seeker. It's not about mass tourism but quality tourism.
Conservation is the key to this project and the traditional approaches to tourism may need to be reconsidered with a heavier focus on protecting, appreciating and embracing our precious and unique environment. There will be new markets that operators can develop with a quality, Experience Seeker focus.
I am really excited about the opportunity that our Murray Tri-State region has been given. Should we be successful after the Product and Brand audit process we will be elevated in with the Best of the Best in Australia which gives us significant regional advantages along with the the ability to partner with other great regions in Australia.
It is important that all members on our Steering Committee, key stakeholders and communities really embrace this with passion, vigor and commitment to push our region up onto a world stage and give ourselves a strong platform for future growth.
Naturally every National Landscape region is different in its approach relative to Steering Committee make up, existing maturity of marketplace and product and the borders that the regions may or may not straddle, however we can all learn from each others challenges and wins with new partnership opportunities.
Warm regards, Shane Strudwick (Chair)
Find out more: Download pdf of the report from the National Forum to understand National Landscapes, key stakeholders involvement and benefits to the Murray River Outback Tri-State Region (80kb)
Murray River and Mungo National Park regions
aim to become a new National Landscape
Media Release | September 1st, 2008
The Tri-State Murray River region has been successful in its submission to be considered a National Landscape and potentially become part of a program initiated by Parks Australia and Tourism Australia to promote and conserve Australia’s best natural assets.
The Tri-State Murray region incorporates three states (proposed boundary map), from Blanchetown in South Australia, through to Robinvale Euston in Victoria and north to the World Heritage Willandra Lakes area and Mungo National Park in NSW. This boundary has been defined by visitor experiences and without traditional regions or State borders as considerations.
National Landscapes is a partnership between tourism and conservation and the program is designed to identify the best of Australia’s natural and cultural landscapes – inspirational destinations that transcend borders and boundaries. The Murray region has strength in these foundations and will be considered for inclusion in the program by the National Landscape Reference Committee.
The National Landscape target market is the global ‘Experience Seeker’, an educated, high yield, long stay visitor who seek out cultural experiences. They travel to experience the difference of life and enjoy getting off the beaten track. They want to absorb and interact in our community. They enjoy learning about our world and it’s unique, rich stories.
The program will eventually include up to 20 National Landscapes to be incorporated in Tourism Australia’s marketing initiatives. Should the Tri-State Murray River region become successful, it will be formally recognised along with other great Australian landscapes including the Flinders Ranges, the Great Ocean Road, Kakadu, Australia’s Red Centre, and the Greater Blue Mountains and others.
Successful National Landscape regions require strong local support and a demonstrated partnership between tourism, conservation, regional development and local government. The region must drive the application process to ultimately achieve National Landscape status and this could take up to 2 years.
"This is a fantastic opportunity for the Murray region to showcase its ancient landscapes, cultural experiences and natural environment as a uniquely must-see Australian destination" said Shane Strudwick, chair of the Murray Region Tri-State National Landscape Committee.
"It also presents a great chance for the region to develop new infrastructure, services and economic sustainability, especially during this difficult time" Shane continued.
"For the first time along the Murray River, stakeholders from the border regions of New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria are working together in a vision to promote and foster world-class tourism experiences that will aim to develop and grow the region’s future" Shane said.
What happens from here? The region will undergo a Product Audit and branding process to distill its experiences into a message that emotionally connects with the visitor and beautifully defines our amazing landscape and river. The Murray River region will need to implement the outcomes of the Product Audit to achieve National Landscape status.
"When the whole Murray River community embraces the National Landscape concept, they will create ways to develop sustainable tourism opportunities that will bring forward long-term value for everyone. This is a wonderful opportunity to grasp." Shane said.
End Release
For more information please contact:
Sam Fielke
Executive Officer
Tri-State Murray Region National Landscapes Committee
Ph 08 8580 8500
Click here to visit Mungo National Park
part of the World Heritage Willandra Lakes System.