Murray River News
Murray River and Discover Murray News Updates
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Water update information
Welcome to the Discover Murray River Tourism Update
What's in this issue:
- Discover Murray receives a Silver at the 2009 SA Tourism Awards
- Tri-State Fruit Fly Program announces partnership with Discover Murray
- Sustainable Murray River and Mallee
- Murray Mallee Stories - our region's character
- Discover Murray shares on Twitter
- The Big Paddle
- Renmark Paringa Council sign with Discover Murray
- Free Events Listings, great for your community and business
- Online bookings for Murray visitors now closer
- Murray River Tri-State National Landscapes Update
- Creating a unified national Murray River through tourism industry
Did you know that the NSW/VIC/SA Governments spent approximately $2.6m in public tourism marketing dollars on the Murray River since 2006...not sure where its gone?
Click to read the whole newsletter
Tourism Futures Conference Report August 2009
Marriott Hotel, Gold Coast
August 17-19, 2009
Shane Strudwick, Discover Murray River
Good choices today will reap rewards for the future
- Shane's comments and overview of conference
- Online Search
- Online forum speakers
- Common Themes
- Overview and points of interest
- Challenges, advantages and opportunities
- Summary
- Murray Mallee Stories
Click to read the whole newsletter
Welcome to the Discover Murray River Mallee Update
August 2009
It's all to help your business and community grow
Did you know Google indexes over 1700 pages per day on Discover Murray.
- Tourism Futures Conference
- Murray River Mobile website update
- Mallee Bound website launched - NEW
- Yarrum - A Murray River Reflection SALA exhibition
- Murray Stories - Protecting our heritage - NEW
Click to read the whole newsletter
Welcome to Discover Murray River Tourism Update
July 2009
- Discover Murray to present at the Tourism Futures Conference
- Murray River website goes mobile - FIRST
- 15,000 more Discover Murray Trails
- Daily Tours Management - NEW FEATURE
- New Zealand 'under the hammer'
- National Landscapes Update
- Visitor Information Centres along the Murray mallee
- Southern Mallee District Council Partnership
- Google loves our Free Events
- Advertise your Specials for Free
- Design Train quality website and print design
Never satisfied or content, Discover Murray continues to drive marketing innovation to the river and mallee regions and ultimately your business.
This innovation is supported by our strategies online, phone, printed, advertising, community partnerships and the Discover Murray Trail. Ultimately, this is attracting more visitors to discover new experiences in our beautiful and unique part of Australia. It is also continuing to support local tourism businesses, Visitor Centres and communities by finding ways to attract visitors and position the Murray and mallee as a unique destination to enjoy. more...
Discover Murray Newsletter - Murray River website goes mobile
June 2009
Welcome to the future of tourism marketing and communication. Discover Murray has launched its mobile website and all current advertisers are listed complimentary.
When you advertise with Discover Murray we'll automatically flow your information to the new mobile website. The site has been designed for the growing need for mobile information by visitors and those planning to visit. It has been intentionally created for small screen mobiles and has a completely different design than the current Murray River website. You can still see it through your normal browser : http://m.murrayriver.com.au/...more
Discover Murray Newsletter
March 2009
- Murray River website - the online leader!
- Free Events Listings
- Discover Murray Trail advertising - get in quick!
- Community tourism networks
- Murray River Tri-State National Landscapes
- Free Tourism Tool kit
Welcome to the new look Murray River website - Discover Murray River. The website has been transferred over to the new operating system and although there were a few minor technical issues we're very happy with the process considering the complexity and amount of information involved...more
New tourism and marketing future for the Murray River
October 2008
Discover Murray has acquired the Murray River Website. This means a new future for Tourism Marketing nationally for the Murray River. A borderless tourism experience...more
- Who are Discover Murray?
- Benefits for operators, businesses and tourism
- Morgan (SA) joins the party
- Help the visitor first
- National Landscapes
- Discover Murray Trail
- Visitor Centres partnerships
- The Internet and the Murray
- Our role
- The Transfer Plan
- It's just the beginning

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