Wilkadene Woolshed Brewery
Wilkinson Road Renmark, South Australia 5341
Postal Address PO Box 462, Renmark SA 5341
Fax (08) 8595 8191
We love beer!
We also love the Murray is the mantra for the Wilkadene Woolshed Brewery. One of the many experiences behind the name is the picturesque Amazon Creek, found just upstream from the iconic and historic Wilkadene Homestead, the home of Woolshed Brewery and Above Renmark Houseboats. To commemorate this majestic part of the world, Tom and Sarah present their inaugural brew, Amazon Ale. Hand crafted boutique premium beer, made using solar energy, rainwater and 100% recyclable techniques.
Amazon Ale is a full bodied, full flavoured Golden Ale which is extremely drinkable. Launched in 2009, the Woolshed Brewery is a new Riverland proud micro-brewery producing their unique amber batch of Amazon Ale.
Located on the banks of the Murray River, WIlkadene was a famous sheep and wheat station, built and run by the Wilkinson family until being bought by the Freeman family in 1988. The Wilkadene shearing shed which is now the brewery, with its white ant resistant native pine posts, supplied paddle steamers with wool and chaff, by way of a chute from the shed down the cliff to the river.
After purchasing a microbrewery in July 2008, Tom and Sarah have been busy cleaning up the old Woolshed and installing the Brewery. Along with extensive upgrades needed to the power supply and building internals, they have added nearly 100,000 litres of rain water storage, rather than relying on filtered mains water, thus saving precious water from the Murray. The brewery is also a zero waste brewery, utilising state of the art designs to use and re-use hot and cold water without the need for excessive heating. Also, with drainage troughs and a holding/settling tank, all waste water from the brewery is used on our extensive garden. All spent grain is used for livestock feed.
Keeping the rich heritage of the Wilkadene property was paramount to creating a distinct and unique style for the Woolshed Brewery. The micro-brewery has a distinct Riverland flavour, right down to the name. So why not stay at Wilkadene or hire Australia’s only houseboats that brew their only local style of premium beers and cruise along the river with a coldie on tap.
- Hand crafted premium boutique beer
- No added preservetives or additives
- Made using sustainable practices
- 100% Riverland owned
- All natural ingredients
- Bottle conditioned
Contact Details and Location
By Road
From Renmark head over the Paringa bridge. Once in Paringa turn left at the supermarket onto Murtho Road (if you are heading from Mildura way this will be right onto Murtho Road before the bridge)
Follow Murtho Road for 15km and turn left onto Wilkinson Road not far past the Headings Cliffs turnoff.
Head down Wilkinson Road for 200 metres where you will see our new entrance at number 65 for Woolshed Brewery. You can’t miss it!! Please enter through the new gates and park in the designated car park. There is ample parking available now in our new car park.
By River
Coming by river??? We are located just after marker 376. Heading upstream from Renmark you will come to a sharp left turn, head straight ahead from here past the cliffs and you will find Wilkadene just around the bend. Feel free to moor out the front of the brewery deck.
Access from the river is up a reasonably steep incline so please be careful and wear appropriate shoes. If you have someone on board who is not steady on their feet please contact Wilkadene to discuss alternative access.
Please note that Wilkadene has limited mobile phone reception
Wilkadene Woolshed Brewery
Wilkinson Road, Murtho SA 5341
Phone: (08) 8595 8188
Fax: (08) 8595 8191
Visit Wilkadene Woolshed Brewery Website
Wilkadene Woolshed Brewery - Great Local Experiences
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Towns Close By: Customs House, Paringa, Lyrup, Berri, Monash, Loxton, Moorook, Barmera, Glossop, Kingston-on-Murray, Pinnaroo, Waikerie, Loveday, Bookpurnong, Merbein, Mildura, Ouyen, Meringur, Werrimull, Cullulleraine, Wentworth, DaretonTell your friends you found this at murrayriver.com.au!
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